Our Researchers

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Lori A. Brotto PhD, R Psych Dr. Lori Brotto is Director of the University of British Columbia (UBC) Sexual Health

Lynn Hoang MD  Dr. Hoang is an Anatomical Pathologist and Clinical Assistant Professor at Vancouver General Hospital and the University

Marette Lee MD, MPH, FRCS Dr. Marette Lee is the Provincial Colposcopy Lead for the Cervix Screening Program at BC

Mary Bryson PhD Dr. Mary K. Bryson is Senior Associate Dean, Administration, Faculty Affairs & Innovation and Professor, Department of

Michael Anglesio PhD Dr. Michael Anglesio is a principle investigator in the Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OVCARE) with BC Cancer

Michael Underhill PhD Dr. Underhill’s research interests involve understanding how changes at the molecular level influence cell fate decisions and

Naveena Singh MD, FRCPath, FRCPC Dr. Singh is a gynecological histopathologist who has devoted a large part of her career

Paul Yong MD, FRCSC, PhD Dr. Paul Yong (MD, PhD, FRCSC) is a Gynaecologist and the Research Director at the

Purang Abolmaesumi PEng Purang Abolmaesumi received his BSc (1995) and MSc (1997) from Sharif University of Technology, Iran, and his

Sheona Mitchell-Foster MD, MPH, FRCSC Dr. Sheona Mitchell-Foster is a practicing Obstetrician Gynecologist and settler researcher with the University of

Tim Salcudean PhD Tim Salcudean received his B. Eng (Hons.) and M.Eng degrees from McGill University and the Ph.D. degree

Yemin Wang PhD Dr. Yemin Wang is an adjunct professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UBC,