GCI Trainee Research Day 2025
Gynecologic Cancer Initiative
GCI Trainee Research Day 2025
The Gynecologic Cancer Initiative’s annual Trainee Research Day will be hosted on June 2025 (Day TBD) The GCI Trainee Research Day is an annual event to showcase and celebrate trainees in British Columbia who are conducting research on gynecologic cancers.
Registration and abstract submission is now OPEN!
*Please note that if you are submitting an abstract you still need to submit a separate registration*
Stay up to date by following us on our social media channels or subscribing to our newsletter:
Instagram: @gynecancerinitiative
Twitter: @GCI_Cluster
LinkedIn: Gynecologic Cancer Initiative
Call for Abstracts
All graduate trainees, undergraduate trainees, medical students, medical residents, clinical fellows, and post-doctoral fellows conducting gynecologic cancer research are encouraged to submit an abstract. You can submit an abstract
for one of two types of presentations:
Poster: This option is for everyone including new trainees who do not yet have preliminary data to share. Trainees who are presenting posters must attend in person.
Oral Presentation: These are 10-minute (7 minutes for presentation & 3 minutes for questions) oral presentations for trainees who have results to share. These presentations will be done
on the main stage and will include a brief Q&A session. A hybrid option is available, but speakers are encouraged to present in person.
Please note that depending on the amount of interest for the oral presentations, trainees may be asked to present a poster instead. If
you have any questions or if you are unsure which category you should submit an abstract to, please email halabis2@student.ubc.ca.
We will be presenting several GCI Trainee Presentation Awards. More information on the awards will follow.
Abstract Guidelines
- Abstract submissions must not contain more than 400 words (not including the title and authors)
- Structured abstracts for oral presentations should include: Title, Objectives(s), Study methods, Results ( not expected for Rapid Fire presentations),Conclusion(s)
- Structured abstracts for posters should include: Title, Background, Study methods, Relevance
- Abstract should be single-spaced and typed in 12-point size Times New Roman font.
- Include authors’ names and affiliations immediately under the title with the presenter’s name underlined.
- Spell out in full the first mention of any abbreviations, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
- No graphs or tables are allowed.
- Do not include references in your abstract.
Abstract Submission Deadline:
May 1, 2025 @11:59pm PST