Sumiko Kobayashi Marks Memorial Research Grants
supported by the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation
*EXTENDED* Registration Deadline: May 20, 2024
*EXTENDED* Application Deadline: June 10, 2024
We are pleased to launch another round of funding applications to support research on gynaecologic cancers. This year, the Carraresi, Sumiko Kobayashi Marks Memorial and Division of Gynaecologic Oncology Research Awards have been combined and launched as one competition.
The suggested application budget for each grant is $20,000 and are one time only (i.e. non-renewable); application budget requests beyond $20,000 will be accepted but needs to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. These grants are designed to support early and mid-career researchers, provide critical review, with rapid turn-around and constructive feedback, and funding for proposals that may not be eligible to receive funding at the national level. Examples would be clinical projects without a basic science component, projects for which there is a hypothesis but no preliminary data, smaller circumscribed projects that are self-limited and cannot be expanded into a 3 year CIHR-type proposal, etc. Preference will be given to projects that have the potential to become larger externally funded projects, but funding is also intended to support those projects that will provide a definitive answer, without the potential to directly lead to larger follow-up studies.
Funds Available
The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $120,000, enough to fund approximately six (6) grants. The grant term is up to 2 years and is not renewable. Preference for the Sumiko Kobayashi Marks Memorial award will be given to proposals focused on the lower genital tract.
This small grant is open to all OVCARE, Division of Gynaecologic Oncology, Provincial Gyne-Tumour Group and Gynecologic Cancer Initiative members. Preference will be given to new faculty members (<5 years from first appointment). Fellows (post-doctoral or clinical) or residents are also encouraged to apply, with an appropriate designated faculty mentor. Investigators who have received peer-reviewed funding at the national level or manage core facilities will not be eligible to apply for these funds as primary applicant (although they are still eligible to be a designated mentor) as the goal of this grant competition is to expand the participation in research and support the research aspirations of all members of the gynecologic cancer research community.
Conditions of Funding
Successful applicants will provide an update after 12 months of receiving the funding and at the end of the project. Funding recipients are asked to acknowledge the support provided by the Carraresi Foundation or Sumiko Kobayashi Marks Memorial Fund through the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, or the Division of Gynaecologic Oncology, in any communication or publication related to the project. Any funds left unspent after 2 years from the start of the grant are to be returned.
How to Apply
The application process for this funding opportunity is comprised of two steps: Registration and Full Application. The registration step will help identify reviewers with appropriate expertise to evaluate your application.
Step 1- Registration
Complete the registration form on the GCI/OVCARE electronic portal by 11:59pm on May 20, 2024 including the following:
1. Name and contact information. If a trainee is applying with a designated faculty supervisor, please provide the name and contact information of both the trainee and supervisor.
2. Provide 3-5 sentence summary of proposal
No signature package is required at the registration stage. Applicants will receive an email on May 21, 2024 confirming receipt of their registration.
Step 2- Full Application
Only those who registered are eligible to submit a full application. Full applications must be submitted as a single PDF document to the electronic portal. The deadline for full application submission is 11:59pm on June 10, 2024, and must include the following details:
1. Title of project
2. List of Investigators: Provide contact details (title, affiliation, email, phone) for the principle applicant and co-applicants. Note: If a trainee is applying with a designated faculty supervisor, please list the supervisor as “Designated Supervisor/Principle Applicant” and list the trainee as “Trainee/Co-Applicant”.
3. Lay Summary: A public (non-scientific) summary which can be easily understood by individuals without biomedical research expertise. Max 250 words4. Scientific Proposal: Describe the proposed research project in a maximum of 4 pages including data figures/tables/charts. Use Times New Roman 12-point font, single line spacing, and normal/standard character spacing. Page size no larger than 8.5 inches x 11.0 inches. Margins at least 0.5 inches in all directions. The following elements should be included:
BackgroundHypothesisObjectives/specific aimsPreliminary data, if availableMethodsAnticipated results and outcomesSignificance of the research5. References: References may be submitted in any format. No page limit.
6. Detailed Budget: Salary support for applicant is not an eligible expense.
7. Curriculum Vitae: CVs of principal and co-applicants; Canadian Common CV (CCV) or UBC format or NIH biosketch
8. Publications: Up to 2 publications from the past five years relevant to this proposal
NEW THIS YEAR: All applications for this competition will require a signature package to be submitted through the appropriate institutional body prior to the submission deadline. Please review the FAQ section for signature package submission guidelines.
For questions about this funding opportunity or the application process, contact Vivian Lac ( Applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of their application on June 11, 2024 .
Funded Projects

Dr. Amy Jamieson
Award: $16,775
Impact of margin status in TP53 mutated vulvar squamous cell carcinoma: is it time to change surgical practice?

Dr. Emily Thompson
Award: $19,210
Risk-stratification in Vulvar SCC: Validation of a Pattern-based Approach to Interpretation of p53 IHC and its Prognostic Significance