Clinical Trials Group

If you’re interested in conducting a clinical trial on a gynecologic cancer, please email for support!

Clinical innovation and clinical trials are essential for the study of new methods of cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment. One of GCI’s research priorities is to strengthen the environment for clinical trials in British Columbia. The GCI Clinical Trials Group will serve as a hub from which innovative new ideas and studies will be carried out throughout BC by clinicians and researchers in the laboratory and in partnership with the patients. To ensure equitable access to clinical studies and to promote collaboration across the province, the trials and studies may be pan-provincial, across multiple health authorities and institutions, diverse in the populations to be studied and ethical in their execution.

The GCI-Clinical Trials Group (GCI-CTG) is a committee of dedicated clinicians, scientists and patient partners who will provide strategic direction, leadership and oversight to clinical trials activity in British Columbia. The group aims to facilitate the translation of pre-clinical/laboratory research findings to impact on patient care through the conduct of relevant clinical trials. Our focus is on supporting interventional studies including various therapeutic strategies (e.g. surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy), physical therapy, nutrition and/or counseling. We also focus on supporting investigators on integrating quality of life measures in clinical trials. 

Research Support Team

The GCI Clinical Trials Group has a team of research support staff that can help with patient recruitment, data collection, REB applications, protocol writing and statistical support. We also have staff who can support database development for efficient and accessible data storage. 

If you are interested in accessing these resources, please email

Database Support

The GCI Clinical Trials Group works closely with the Clinical Informatics and Outcomes Research Core to support researchers in creating OpenSpecimen databases and REDCap data collection forms for their clinical trial. 

GCI-CTG Accelerating Grants Program

The Accelerating Grants program provides funding for interventional, observational, and translational clinical research studies focused on gynecologic cancers, and in particular those that advance lab-based discoveries by researchers in BC into the clinic. The intent of these grants is to support research related to patients.

GCI-CTG Members

  • Anna Tinker
  • Gavin Stuart
  • Blake Gilks
  • Debra Walker
  • Dianne Miller
  • Francois Bachand
  • Harry Brar
  • Jenny Ko
  • Mark Carey
  • Sarah Hamilton
  • Sergio Aquino